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Showing posts from 2012


Try something new, go somewhere different, wear a hairstyle that you've never worn before, go full speed ahead with your plans to have a career, start your family, give thanks for life, laugh because your happy, smile because you're in love, it's going to be a New Year and a New Season! 


Winter is Here! Thanksgiving was a beautiful celebration. Now onward and upwards to bigger and better things....Christmas!!!!!! Winter!!!! New Year's Day!!!!!! How can you not be excited for the days to come??? Hot cocoa in a nice cup with whipped cream on top. I love the holidays. It's the best time to have a great laugh with family and friends, write a book, watch a good movie or cuddle up in your favorite blanket! Tis' the season to be jolly! I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Creative Beads for Me! FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM: @creativebeadsforme FOLLOW ON TWITTER: CBeadSFoRME Shop! Shop! Shop! Creative Beads for Me is a jewelry line that created in 2012 is made to cater to your aesthetic sense of self! Here are just a few pieces from the jewelry line that are sure to get your artistic taste buds excited: Coral Sky Candy Apple  Harlequin Lady Bug Green Delight, Necklace and Bracelet Set  Get your pieces either custom made or made intelligently as is! You are sure to be pleased! FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM: @creativebeadsforme FOLLOW ON TWITTER: CBeadSFoRME

It's Transitioning Season!

The Summer is almost over and the Fall is right around the corner! Summer is packing its bags!  Fall is ready to dance! 


Sometimes we are our own therapy. Our own words of encouragement,the self-praise that we give ourselves when feeling down or when we have accomplished something is like the universe giving our lives the stamp of approval. Too often we let our to-do lists be a reflection of what isnt yet crossed-off. Live life. Live it greatly.


Your struggle is a breakthrough. Your test becomes your testimony. Your fears become your glory. Everything that made the fibers to intertwine to give you strength now represents the strength of your praise. Dont ever forget who you are, where you come from and where you couldve been.

A Fresh Start is All You Need!

Today is a new day!  We can enjoy what each and every moment brings. Nothing is as fresh as a new beginning. Right now, in this moment, is the new beginning that you need. Believe it or not everything that you have ever needed you already had.  The strength that you need to keep moving, the joy that need to make you smile, the laughter that you need to brighten your day is always a moment away. A Fresh Start is All You Need! Today is the day for a new beginning! :-D

Impeccable Joy Events

Impeccable Joy Events is my new personal venture. I have tons of ideas to put into action to help you become a success. Do you need help with product launches, do you want to host a promotional campaign, do you need assistance with your business or business plans or need help hosting an event feel free to inquire about my services. Your success is waiting!

Casting Call!

Casting Call Albany NY – Movie Extras The HBO movie Muhammad Al’s Greatest fight is now filming in Albany NY and is seeking various extras for the project in Albany. Grant Wilfley Casting is seeking the following for the Albany location shoot of the HBO film Muhammad Ali’s Greatest Fight: Men and women of all types for scenes taking place in 1971 and filming in Albany, NY. Email a recent picture and contact information to For anyone that is willing to travel to Albany, NY! Take your chances! Email and see what happens!

Life is About Discovering Who You Are!

We all have our days when we sit back and daydream about what we might be doing right now if we weren't doing what we are currently doing. Did you follow that? Sometimes our present situations cause us to ponder on the "what-ifs" in life. I don't believe in regrets. I believe that everything that happens in life is meant to happen exactly as it has happened to bring you to your defining moment. Sometimes that means that you have to crawl through the mud to finally use the strength that you never knew that you had. It might even mean that need to switch paths in the middle of you walking along your journey towards a goal that you thought you wanted. Discover who you are! That's the purpose of life! Life isn't meant to be solved like an equation as if there's a certain formula to guarantee your success or happiness. Have fun in discovering who you are! Realize what you want and what you need to do in order to experience your ultimate success and happin...

So I'm working on something exciting! Years ago I started writing my own magazine. However, with all of life's distractions I put my magazine to the side. Now, I'm in the process of creating my online magazine first with the hopes of printing a few magazines for distribution 4 times a year. Thank you so much to the people that always inspire and encourage me!

Just Smile!

There are days when it seems like everything is trying to test your patience and your willpower.  Just smile!  Nothing can ease the soul than to smile. When times are tough and even when they are great a smile is very quick to make! What hasn't worked itself out today will be a great challenge to conquer tomorrow. When you've tried, you've conquered and you've succeeded.  If there's nothing else that you can think to do, just smile. 

Life is Meant to Be Lived!

You can either die living your life or live your life waiting to die. ~S.G.~ The fact of the matter is that life is meant to be lived. It isn't meant to be solved, examined, or looked at with a fine tooth comb. Life is about knowing your purpose and doing everything in your means to live a fulfilling existence. Do everything that you can to live! It's a beautiful thing.

A Great Day for a Fresh Start!

Today is a brand new day! There are different possibilities, routes, and directions that you can take in life. The signs that determine where we are going in life are only the signs that we create for ourselves. If you need to detour the direction that you are going, do so diligently! Nothing worth having was ever achieved easily. Sometimes you have to reroute your success. Evaluate your plan and finally try out your refreshed blueprint. I've had to make some decisions that will impact my future. Guess what?! I'm excited about that! Why? Because this rerouting of my direction gives me the opportunity to look at myself and go after what I really want. Nothing can stop you from reaching your destination except you creating your own "STOP" sign.

New Ideas

Jewelry line, clothing store, supermarket, management company, music executive? Whatever your next goal is, make sure that you do everything in your power to achieve your goals! For the jewelry designers out there: is a great website! There are a lot of pieces here that you can buy and put together! You can very easily create an online store. Get working people! I'm waiting to see what you're up to!

Spinach Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Yuuuuummm!!!!!! :-D Spinach Strawberry Banana Smoothie!

Chaka Khan, Kelly Rowland & More - Superlife

Waris Dirie

So I'm watching Desert Flower and the story that is being told couldn't be any more amazing. Yes, it is true. We ALL have a story. Yes, yes, yes, we do. From genital mutilation to forced marriage to maid, a model and then becoming an Activist, Waris Dirie always aimed to be something greater, to change her life first so that she could then help others. No matter what the obstacles are that we face, we are strong.  We are strong in spite of our imperfections, our weaknesses, our downfalls.  Nothing can stop you from achieving greatness. 

Smoothie Time!

So I'm getting back to a healthy me! I've tried a few smoothies that I've made myself. It's always best to make a smoothie yourself because it's all natural: no preservatives! Strawberry Banana smoothie: Cucumber Blueberry Strawberry smoothie:

Yoga It Out!

If you don't have time for rigorous exercise, yoga it out! Your body needs to stretch. It is human nature to be flexible. Your body wants to move. So move it! Here are a few moves that you can do if you have the time.


If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think. ~Clarence Darrow~  The best way to release your stress and to relax your mind, body and soul is to just laugh. Life is too short to worry about the small things that you will forget about days from now.

BeFunky Photo Editor

If you love to create different photo effects, BeFunky Photo Editor is a great website. I installed it from my Google Chrome's Webstore and let me tell you, there are some nice little effects on this website. Just change your pictures and print them out! You can edit, add color, crop and etc.

Move Your Feet

You will go as far in life as you allow yourself to go! Move your feet. Sometimes you wonder why you just missed an opportunity or why you weren't around to miss an opportunity in the first place. It's because you haven't moved your feet. Walk in the direction that you desire to go. Standing still is a sure way to not make a mistake, but it is also a sure way not to succeed. Being successful has never been accomplished by doing nothing. Goals + Action= Moving Forward!

My Conviction

Know where you stand! I believe in God. No one nor anything can ever take that away from me. I don't judge and I don't expect to be judged by any human. Live your life as how you see fit, but always remember that for every decision there is a consequence. Always know where you stand with yourself in your life.

Very True!


BE Happy

Too many times we forget to just BE happy. We look for happiness in so many places, people, things and organized events. The truth of the matter is that you can't seek happiness. You just have to be happy. Appreciate the life that you have, the things you have, the places that you have gone and the things that you've seen. Nobody said that you'd be happy 24/7. Nobody's even said that the road through life will be without bumps. What is happiness for me? Happiness is loving who I am, who I've become and enjoying every moment of what this life has to offer. I'm enjoying the ride, every bit of it. Whatever it is that you love, that puts a smile on your face when you don't even realize it, that's what it means to just BE happy. Don't let anyone else define your happiness. Don't you ever hold yourself to anyone else's standards except yours. Aim high, achieve something always and remember to BE happy!

Jamaican Moms

So I'm on Youtube and I come across Sh*t Jamaican Moms Say! Let me tell you, this is the closest to the things my own mother used to say!!!!! LOL! Jamaican parents have the funniest 1 liners that combine parables and threats at the same time. I love my Jamaican parents. Ish Jamaican Moms Say

When is It Crossing the Line?

How do you handle a friend that just wants to know EVERYTHING about your man? There's a thin line between "what's his name and does he treat you good" to "what's his middle name? He lives where again?" Sometimes you have to teach people to mind their business. Maybe they just don't know or realize that they have oh so many questions that have absolutely nothing to do with their well-being. A healthy relationship doesn't involve 15 people. It's called a relationship: relations between 2 people.


Friendships. We all have them. Every year we meet new people but if we're really close to our "old" friends, we tend to think that we have this secure circle. The "circle". Yes, we all have a circle, triangle, oval, or whatever the case may be that represents how much we actually trust others. But, let's not call this a circle. Let's just call the people that we trust the most, our loved ones. Always remember that your friendships should never weigh you down, make you doubt yourself, or be filled with people that know what's better for you more than you do at all times in your life. Celebrate each other: regardless if you have a few or many, it should ALWAYS be a great time when you get together!


Asters represent Patience. A blooming flower whose original name means star because of its shape: it is most definitely elegant. If you want to remind someone about patience or if you want to practice it yourself, first take a deep breath. Understand that everything happens for a reason. Every season has its reason for your life. Enjoy the moment that you are experiencing because every moment becomes a memory. Patience. Understand it, practice it, just live it.


Hey You!  Yea, you!  What have you done today?  No really, what have you done today?  Time waits for no one.  Get to it! 

Lovely Day

Today is a beautiful day that's meant to be enjoyed! It's International Women's Day too! So there's even more of a reason to celebrate! Put on your sunglasses and soak up the fun today!   -Ttyl

Happy Women's Day!

New Business, New Start-Up?

Get the ball rolling! Did you make your business plan yet? Before you do anything, outline a business plan for yourself! You can't figure out how to get where you're going if you don't know what it's going to take to get there. Need help? Just ask!

The Face of Me

The Face of Me She whispered in my ear, "So you think you can do it?"  I said right back to her, "Yes, yes I can".  See doubt tried to have a conversation with me. The only problem is she spoke to the  faith in me. She didn't get to see the face of me.  The endurance in me preserved the strength in me. Now that, that's the face of me.



You always have a choice.  What do you want to do? Choose.

Watch Me

Always Remember

Just a Thought

So because somebody told you that you couldn't do it, you just gave in?  You just let go of your dreams like that huh.  NO. There is nothing too hard and too far that you can't reach out to grab it. You want to be happy?  You want to feel as if you've really accomplished something?  Then do what it is that you know your life requires of you in order for you to enjoy it. Prepare the world for your legacy.

Truly Inspirational- Beverly Kearney

"When people ask me how I have succeeded in spite of my obstacles? I tell them I don't have a choice. My hero is my history. And my history is a legacy of people who have triumphed over tragedy; who have succeeded in spite of tragedy. Therefore failure is not an option. There's not an obstacle available that doesn't have an opportunity proceeding it." ~Beverly Kearney~

Go Forward

Hop. Skip. Walk. Crawl. Run. Always Go Forward. It doesn't matter how you do it or how long it takes you to do it. Just do it. Always go in the direction of your goals. The universe has no choice but to let you. What's inside of you is so much greater than you think. When you feel as if everything and anything is holding you down, holding you back, always remember that no one else can achieve your goals for you.


I'm so happy. Grateful is an even better word. I'm grateful to have close friends and close family that support me in any and everything that I do. I'm grateful to have someone so close to me that if there's anything that I needed to talk about they are there. Grateful is a great word to describe what I'm feeling right now.


Live fearlessly! No one can climb the mountains that you can. Running or walking, still you're living! Let nothing stop you: not past regrets, not fear, and not even the fear of the failure. Fearless!

Be Bold

You're even stronger than you think you are. There are a few days where we think that we've could have made a better choice or not have given in to a bad habit. The truth is that we all fall a few times a day. This doesn't make us weak. It makes us human. We each have a unique journey. Pave your path. Be stronger than even you think you are. Be bold. My hero is my history. ~Beverly Kearney~

Lesson on Life

STEPHANIE/TALK TO ME LESSON ON LIFE EDITION 1, VOL. 1 Everyday a tree grows an inch, a flower becomes more beautiful than the day before and a new leaf turns over. We all have struggles. How we overcome them is what makes us even more unique. Our capability to understand what life means to each and every one of us is what determines how worthwhile the ride will be. Never give up on yourself. Never give up on others. Most importantly, never give up on your goals that you have set for yourself. Sometimes, you need a little push, a little nudge to keep going. When that happens, stop, look around you and remember to be grateful for what you have. Remember that to get where you are going you will need to climb mountains, travel through valleys, run from rolling stones, and pick yourself up when you might trip every once in a while. The journey is worth it. You can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel if you are not moving at all.         ...

There's Enough Room!

There's enough room for everyone to be successful. Success is the ability to achieve your goals against all odds. Perseverance is the key. How long are you willing to do what you have to do. We all have goals. We all have our idea of what it takes to achieve our goals. Be confidently confident in your confidence! *Trying saying that 3 times ha!* BE SUCCESSFUL!

Move Forward!

So everyday we tell ourselves that we're making moves, nothing's gonna stop us, and etc.... But the truth is, are we really making moves? Are we really letting nothing stop us? As quick as you can sit down be just as quick getting up! No one is going to walk with you hand in hand to your pit stops. Do you really want change? STOP reacting to life's circumstances and BE proactive about where you're going!


So this had to be at least 2 years ago that we celebrated my little sister's bday.  We decided to try some sushi right? Or so we thought. lol.  We ended up trying the sushi and she came up with the idea to just fry the little pieces of raw fish. It was delicioso let me tell you!  Fried fish on the left, Sushi on the right This was real good. Try some different foods, you might be surprised at what you like.  Who wants to eat the same ol', same ol' all the time. Spice it up!


Life is like a variety of choices. It's up to you to decide what is better together or separate. Choices, we all make them, and we all have to live with the consequences. Hhhhhmmmm, here's an even better picture of a choice that I made to have of something all together! lol :-D

A Beautiful Day!

So today I'm trying to get a few things accomplished! Today is the best day to make a move towards your goal. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed and the rest of the day isn't either. Make every move from here on out with your best intentions at heart.

Support Our Own!

Soooo let me give a very quick shout out to my girl Jerther who is most definitely holding her blog down! A very educated, lovely, strong black woman who is taking her life & business to the next level! Always remember to support your own. Check it out! You'll love what you see ;-D FREEDOMBLOGGER "Remember your story is important too." - JG

Making Moves!

Making moves!  I've been working out!  Now, if I can just get the spinach that is needed to make my lovely spinach smoothies!  Mmmmmmmm......*sounds nice doesn't it*  A few nights ago I made a Banana & Blueberry smoothie and I really should have taken a picture for you guys to see!  Ingredients:  1 whole banana 8 cubes of ice 2 handfuls of blueberries 1 cup of apple juice Amazing! :-D Try it, you just might love it! 

It's a beautiful day!

It's another beautiful day! I couldn't be any happier! I got a great call this morning about a job that I thought I wasn't even going to be considered for. Well, time to gear up for some more surprises! When you let your mind ease you provide room for the excitements to come! Loving, laughing, and living each day as they come! :-D

Life's Accomplishments

So I just recently celebrated my 25th birthday!!!!!! I'm too excited! I'm at a place in life where I know where I want to be, I know the direction that I want take with these feet of mine! Thank God for another year! I've been blessed with accomplishments. But even with accomplishments I feel like there is so much more that I want to achieve! I've done well. Live life well. It's yours, to live, love and accomplish. ~S.G.~

Talk To Me/I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaack!

What's going on everybody? I'm back! So the last time I wrote a blog I accidentally deleted my ENTIRE blog by mistake! OMG! I couldn't bother writing another one. But as I'm in the transition of jobs right now I figured, well, I might as well BLOG! Well, to my fellow bloggers aaaaand lovers of life! I'm Back! :-D All Smiles!